Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm sorry for the delay

Just a quick note to my friends. I have arrived in Paris and the city-wide internet does not work on my American computer. I have many posts and will put them up once I find an apartment and some bandwidth...

But, I have received my ATM card so breathe a sigh of relief with me and wonder why a European keyboard has moved the a and m keys...

1 comment:

  1. Hi. So how is Paris in the wintertime? We had 28" of snow that has now disappeared. That wet, heavy beautiful stuff. I did not see your "comments" and now I am unable to get into my email. Computers are (expletive deleted). Tonight we go to Red Lobster for Stephens BDay.

    Fascinating food in your class! Mackeral followed by octi. The spinach balls are looking really good. Glad your ATM arrived. Hope Paris is great.
