Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pants, who needs pants?

I have accomplished a few things in preparation for the trip. I may even get my taxes done before I leave. Apparently, I owe, and I'm indignant.

I have officially enrolled in Apicius Amateur Cooking School in Florence for the month of October. I will take 3 classes, Regional Tuscan Cuisine, Italian Cuisine and Wine Appreciation. Each class is one afternoon leaving plenty of time for travel, site seeing, drinking espressos, and putting my new found knowledge on wine to work.

I just picked an apartment. It is a block from the Duomo, which is cool, and on the forth floor so noise won't be too bad. The advertisement said there are authentic Italian style stairs, of which I am dubious. I assume that's code for the stairs are a complete bitch. Here are some pictures...

Do you see the two sinks? This is seriously high brow. I haven't had two sinks in ages. The manager swears there will be more furniture, including a dining room table when I arrive. The price seems outrageous, but it has a washer. I'm trying to pack one suitcase, and I don't want to spend that much time in an Italian laundry mat. Despite romanticizing almost everything about Italy, I know in my heart of hearts that the laundry mats will be like the traditional Italian stairs, a bitch.

Packing. Oh god, packing. I carefully chose each item, editing viciously as I went. As a test run, I loaded the suitcase and everything fit, except my shoes, toiletries, and pants. Who needs pants anyway? I do have some fantastic tops coming with me. I guess another edit may be required. Maybe I don't need 5 pairs of tights, 5 pairs of sunglasses and 6 dresses, but it feels like heresy just thinking it.

I've decided not to go to Greece. It's just too expensive. It's a better place to spend a two week vacation than part of a three month trip. Two weeks in Greece would take up my entire 3 month travel budget, which isn't huge, but isn't small either. Those Greeks, they know what they're doing. I'm thinking the Amafi coast. It's beautiful, warm, and overflowing with the world's best pizza. We'll see. Taxes first, Amalfi second. Repeat it with me; taxes first, Amalfi second.

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